Assuming they don't think of them as another 'branch' of the Machine network. That, or they end up bonding with the Warframes. And it could probably lead to some YoRHa having an argument/wish to be permamently possessed by Tenno.
Nier automata 2b pregnant full#
And all too willing to possess them, in some empathic feedback of love and tender care.īut that sort of speculation would probably be along the lines of "what would YoRHa think of Tenno", if they don't get out of their dream/sleeping pod, and after, if going full Operator mode? But that'd probably be the sort of fine difference between a Demon, and an Angel. something human? Yet completely eldritch, evil. Of which, you'd probably end up with a case of Androids, being 'filled' with. Honestly, if not limited by Platinum paid purchases, there's a possible chance that a waifu inclined Tenno, might decide to just start collecting YoRHa Androids, I'd feel. would the Machine Network go 'wat' when it hears about the idiocy that is the Origin System? So, how about this Warframe crossover? One that is a quagmire of theses about what it means to be human, and growing beyond one's perceived purpose? The only human-like beings the Tenno ever sees are these an-droid things. The only human the androids ever knew would look and act like an inhuman killing machine. Would a Tenno treat Androids as such? Or would they be glorified Spectres, to be used and discarded in battle as convenient or amusing? Would such a Tenno as I described be capable of growing into leadership role, or would they never grow beyond their magpie tendencies? I do not believe anyone in Warframe sees Cephalons as 'real' people, even though they basically are. They are alone, looked up by people in need of guidance, but with no experience in anything but being pointed at a target to rampage through. Whether they think they are in the far pre-orokin past or an alternate reality doesn't matter much. Slowly, the being which was directed mostly by whim and promise of cheap material goods from one battlefield to another, realizes they found themselves in an unfamiliar place and time, cut-off from everything they've ever knew except for war, slaughter and pursuit of material gratification. That crisis averted, they realize they have a limited supply of Forma and Forma Blueprints, since the shop stopped working for some reason and there are no way to get nor open relics now. They try to supplement it with jury-rigging Machine Cores together, to some success. It simple drama at first, as in realizing there's no Orokin Reactors to use in their endless Forma Forges. Then the ADHD suffering Happy-Go-Killy Tenno starts trying to void-dash through an impenetrable Man-In-The-Wall (slams face-first into reality for you uninitiated heathens). Problem is, it's your Average Player Tenno a Void Daemon obsessed with killing, collecting loot, collecting new and exotic weapons they can grind for mastery, fishing and, most importantly, fashion and interior decoration.Īt first they are overjoyed - a brand new environment with new enemies to scan and kill and loot! New local factions you can grind standing with! And buy new weapons to grind mastery with! And get new fashion accessories! And interior decoration items! And new companions! So many to choose from! From Pods of many kinds to so many kinds of "YoRHA Androids" you can customize, even give them new clothing, like maid outfits or whatever you want!

So, how about a Warframe crossover? One that is a light-hearted comedy?Ī Tenno with their orbiter alongside all of their garbage winds up somewhere around Nier: Automata.